Intergenerational Solidarity„Intergenerational solidarity for every generation“
Authors: Nataša Todorović, Brankica Janković and Milutin Vračević
Publisher: Center for Support and Inclusion Help Net
Support: The International Višegrad Fund
Year: 2021.

„ How to improve intergenerational dialogue in Serbia“
Authors: Tatjana Prijić and Vladimir Jovanović
Publisher: Center for Support and Inclusion Help Net
Support: The International Višegrad Fund
Year: 2019.

„Intergenerational cooperation for beginners“
Authors: Nataša Todorović i Milutin Vračević
Publisher: Center for Resposible Action
Support: The Cabinet of the Ministry without portfolio in charge of demography and population policy
Year: 2019.

„Growing old and the intergenerational solidarity in an institutional accomodation“
Authors: Nataša Todorović, Milutin Vračević, Dejana Stanisavljević i Nataša Milić
Publisher: The Center for Responsible Action
Support: The Cabinet of the Ministry without portfolio in charge of demography and population policy
Year: 2019.

„Intergenerational Solidarity between the family and the State“
Authors:Milutin Vračević, Nataša Todorović, Gradimir Zajić i Lidija Kuzmanov
Publisher: The Serbian Red Cross
Podrška: The Cabinet of the Ministry without portfolio in charge of demography and population policy
Year: 2019.

„Intergenerational Exchange in the Republic of Serbia“
Authors: Nataša Todorović, Milutin Vračević, Dejana Stanisavljević i Nataša Milić
Publisher: The Serbian Red Cross
Support: Support: The Cabinet of the Ministry without portfolio in charge of demography and population policy
Year: 2019.

Center for support and inclusion Help net
Address: Vojvode Milenka 37, 11000 Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 36 11 844
e-mail: info@medjugeneracijskasolidarn