Intergenerational SolidarityDate: May 26th 2023
The photo exhibition of intergenerational solidarity officially opened

April 7th 2023
One more creative workshop with youth and elderly was held
The third workshop within the project “Strengthening the resilience of the elderly and people with disabilities during COVID-19 and future disasters” was held on Thursday April 6th 2023. During the workshop, members of different generations – youth and elderly had the opportunity to tell their stories, during which they connected with other participants and learned techniques through meditation exercises to overcome stress. In an atmosphere of intergenerational solidarity, the youth and the elderly were a model for each other in terms of how to improve the mechanisms of responding to different life situations.
After the cycle of workshops, a photo exhibition is planned, where the models will be youth and elderly. You can expect an invitation to the exhibition soon, and we kindly invite people to join to this exhibition to magnify this event.
The held workshop is part of the project “Strengthening the resilience of the elderly and people with disabilities during COVID-19 and future disasters” implemented by the Center for Support and Inclusion Help net in cooperation with the Serbian Red Cross, and financed by the European Union.
Check out the atmosphere from the workshop in the gallery below ↓
February 23rd 2023
Two workshops were held „The bridge intergenerational solidarity “and „How am I today in compare to yesterday“?
Date: June, 24th 2022
THE PERFORMANCE “I am telling you a story to meet me”
On Thursday, June 9th, 2022 in Home for Elderly “Bezanijska Kosa” Gerontology center Belgrade held the performance entitled “I am telling you a story to meet me”. Participants of the performance were youth – pupils of the high school “Sveti Sava” and elderly – beneficiaries of this Home for the elderly. The performance is based on storytelling by elderly ones about a certain subject, which has a special emotional value for that elderly person. Through the storytelling they also talk about themselves, their life – their former work environment, educational path, etc.) and after the story, the elderly one has chosen one young person to whom he gave that subject as a gift. By giving a gift, the elderly one shows a desire to meet the young person.

This event aims to make connections between the elderly and youth, to establish and improve connections in an informal and friendly environment. In addition, this event contributes to breaking prejudices about the young and the elderly, which is supported by the impressions after the event.
After conducting the event, the young people have given feedback to the elderly ones by sending a letter in which they will briefly tell their own story and send it to the elderly person via postal service. The letters reminded us of the importance of established connections; there were words with specific emotional values which are some of the reactions of youth. Elderly ones have been reading the letter with high enthusiasm and some of them have expressed a wish to write letters to youth also.
The performance is activity within the project “Empowering inter-generational connections” implemented by Center for support and inclusion Help net in partnership with European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation TRITIA from Poland, Center of social services Horelica from Slovakia, and TRIANON, z.s from Czech Republic, supported by International Visegrad fund.
The Center for Support and Inclusion Help Net organized four debates within the project ‘Empowering Intergenerational connections”

At the end of April (27 th -28 th April ) debates were held in the bounds of the project “Empowering Intergenerational connections”. The debate participants were representatives of different generations- young, old and middle generation- the oldest participant was 72 years old, while the youngest participant was 16. Two-day debates were held with the topics being: Artificial Intelligence; Media and its impact on intergenerational solidarity; Education and the Work Environment and Employment. The talks were extremely filled with content, taking into account various perspectives on the abovementioned topics we came to interesting conclusions and suggestions on how to improve the current state in certain domains.
The conclusions, together with the conclusions from the debates held by the partner organizations on the project – TRIANON, TRITIA and the Center for Social Work Horelica will be presented in a brochure that will be an integral part of the project.TRIANON, TRITIA and the Center for Social Work Horelica will be presented in a brochure that will be an integral part of the project. The brochure will be a kind of overview of comparative analysis – similarities and differences in attitudes and beliefs between representatives of different generations from different countries will be presented.

In mid-March, 17. precisely on March 17th and the 18th, 2022, the first debates were held with the participation of representatives of different generations, i.e. representatives of youth and elderly. The debates were held by partner organizations, the Center for Social Work Horelica from Slovakia and the association TRIANON from the Czech Republic. In those days, the partner organization from Slovakia conducted debates on a total of four topics: artificial intelligence; work environment and employment; education, and the media and their impact on intergenerational solidarity, while the partner organization from the Czech Republic held one or the first in a series of four debates on “Artificial Intelligence”.
The debates were attended by representatives of our organization, Center for Support and Inclusion Help net, which is also the host of project activities. Dražen Zacero and Nataša Jelić participated in the debates in the Czech Republic and Slovakia on behalf of Help net. Collaborators from partner organizations and representatives of the Help Net team, sharing their impressions from the debates, concluded that the debates were fertile ground for the development of new recommendations on how young people can help the elderly, and vice versa, in areas covered by the debate. The debates contributed to the interconnection of young and old.
These are the first debates from a series of upcoming ones, on the same topics, and after the debates, each organization will report the conclusions that will be used to create the Brochure as an integral part of the project.
The activity was implemented within the project “Empowering Intergenerational connections” supported by the International Višegrad Fund, which is implemented by the Center for Support and Inclusion Help net.. The project is implemented in partnership with, from Slovakia, the European Group for Territorial Cooperation TRITIA from Poland, the Center for Social Work Horelica from Slovakia, and the association TRIANON from the Czech Republic..

The realization of the project “Empowering Intergenerational connections”, supported by the International Višegrad Fund, will begin soon.
At the end of September 2021, the Center for Support and Inclusion Help Net submitted a project proposal entitled “Empowering Intergenerational connections” to the International Višegrad Fund. The project proposal was positively assessed, that is, financial resources were approved for the implementation of activities envisaged by this project. This will be the third year in a row that the International Višegrad Fund is the sponsor of project activities implemented by Help Net.
The project “Empowering Intergenerational connections” supported by the International Višegrad Fund aims to contribute to the participation of the population of elderly and young citizens in areas that concern them, as well as to enable generations to come together by maintaining dialogue as an important method in a democratic society, and by maintaining performance as an art form.
The project will be implemented in the period from February 1, to October 3, 2022 .
The project partners were selected keeping in mind their significant and long experience in the field of protection of human rights, especially the rights of vulnerable social groups, promotion of equality, social protection and social cohesion. Project partners were also selected on the basis of previous successful cooperation between Help Net and organizations that have a partnership role in previous projects. The project is implemented in partnership with the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, the European Group for Territorial Cooperation TRITIA from Poland, the Center for Social Work Horelica from Slovakia, and the association TRIANON from the Czech Republic.
Completion of pre-contractual steps on the part of Help Net is underway, followed by the signing of the Agreement with the donor and the start of the implementation of activities.
November 12th 2022
Training “Understand dementia” held within the project supported by the Višegrad Fund – Help Net has the role of partner
European Association for Territorial Cooperation TRITIA is implementing a project called “V4 for the development of Common Social Europe” and the Center for Support and Inclusion Help Net is partner organization, along with several other organizations. This project is implemented with the financial support of the International Višegrad Fund.
As part of this project, an activity was recently held in which Help Net participated. Namely, on November 12, 2021, an online training (via the Zoom platform) entitled “Understand Dementia” was organized by the European Association for Territorial Cooperation TRITIA , and the training was led by Marlena Meyer, graduate gerontologist, graduate Montessori teacher, the first licensed Positive Approach to Care TM (PAC) educator TEEPA SNOW.
The training was intended for employees of institutions in the social protection system, centers for social work, social protection institutions, nursing homes, social protection service providers, people caring for the elderly and families of sick people. Help Net had the task of recruiting participants from Serbia for this training. Participants applied via an online form and the response was exceptional. The training was meaningful and clear, and the participants were largely satisfied with what they received at the training – in addition to acquiring knowledge and improving skills, social networking was established. The training was reported to the Chamber of Social Welfare and carried 5 points.
In the coming period, there shall be three more trainings on “Communication skills with users of Home Help – the elderly and adults with disabilities”, when Net hire educators for this training, and partner organizations will be responsible for recruiting participants.
Closing conference of the project ”Strengthening Intergenerational Solidarity”

On Tuesday, May 25. In 2021, a conference was held in the premises of the Serbian Red Cross in
Belgrade within the project ”Strengthening Intergenerational Solidarity” implemented by the Center for Support and Inclusion Help net from Serbia in cooperation with the Serbian Red Cross, European Group for Territorial Cooperation TRITIA from Poland. Horelica Center for Social Services from Slovakia and TRIANON from the Czech Republic, with the support of the International Višegrad Fund.
The panelists at the conference were:
– Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality,
– Muamer Bačevac, President of the Committee on Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia;
– Dr. Attila Pinter, Ambassador of Hungary to Serbia;
– Prof. Dr. Dragan Radovanović, President of the Serbian Red Cross;
– Gordana Milovanović, President of the Center for Support and Inclusion Help Net;
– Natasa Todorovic, psychologist and expert associate of the Serbian Red Cross and one of the authors of the publication
Experiences from the workshop ”How to make a short film with a smart mobile phone” were shared by the representative of the older generation – Mrs. Vladanka Miskin and the representative of the younger generation – Miloš Todorović.
The conference was of a hybrid character in the sense that part of the participants were present through the Zoom platform, and part in the premises of the Red Cross.
The project aims to encourage mutual cooperation, understanding and coexistence of generations by working to change the relationship between generations using the creative potential of new media, or searching for new forms of exchange of knowledge, skills and experiences and sharing responsibilities.
***** Conference video> HERE
***** Short movie that was presented on the conference> HERE
***** Photos from the conference> HERE
Date: December 1st 2020
Workshop “How to make a short film with a smart mobile phone” realized in Serbia and in countries of the Višegrad Group
As part of the project “Strengthening Intergenerational Solidarity”, implemented by the Center for Support and Inclusion Help with the support of the Višegrad Fund, workshops were organized in November by phone ”in Serbia, Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic.
The workshop organized by Help net in Belgrade was followed by workshops organized by the project partners, first the European Group for Territorial Cooperation TRITIA in Cieszyn, Poland, then the Center for Social Services Horelica in Čadka in Slovakia and TRIANON in České Těšín in the Czech Republic.
These workshops brought together young and old with the same interests in order to exchange knowledge, experience and skills. This time, the subject of common interest was film art and new media. Taking into account the circumstances caused by the corona virus pandemic, the workshops were organized either online or in compliance with all prescribed protection measures.
The great response and positive reactions of the participants indicate that this form of connecting young and old is desirable and useful and contributes to the improvement of intergenerational dialogue. The implementation of workshops in four countries gathered valuable regional experiences on the use of this mechanism in improving intergenerational relations.
After the workshops, the participants were divided into mixed groups with the task of making their own short film on free topics. The best materials will be used in the production of short films and promo videos to raise awareness of the importance of intergenerational solidarity and break down prejudices about the young and elderly.
The short film, as well as the results of the project, will be presented to the professional and general public in May 2021 as part of a comprehensive media campaign to promote intergenerational dialogue and promote the project and its results in Serbia and the Visegrad Group.
On the basis for creating new and reforming existing public policies in this area.
Workshop “How to make a short film with a smart mobile phone”
Center for Support and Inclusion Help net in cooperation with the Serbian Red Cross, and with the support of the Visegrad Fund implements the project “Strengthening Intergenerational Solidarity” which aims to encourage cooperation, understanding and coexistence of generations. The project is of an international character, implemented in partnership with the European Group for Territorial Cooperation TRITIA from Poland, the Center for Social Services Horelica from Slovakia and the organization TRIANON from the Czech Republic.
In a series of activities within the project in the Serbian Red Cross in Belgrade, a workshop for young and old “How to make a short film with a smart mobile phone” was held. Young and old had the opportunity to jointly explore a wide range of creative and artistic opportunities offered by the modern digital world, i.e. opportunities for creative expression. This workshop not only brought together different generations, but also encouraged their artistic side and improved their digital competencies. Workshops on the same topic will be held in the project partner countries, Poland (Cieszyn), Slovakia (Čadca) and the Czech Republic (Česky Těšín). After the workshops, participants will be divided into mixed groups with the task of making their own short film on free topics. The best materials will be used in the production of short films and promo videos to raise awareness of the importance of intergenerational solidarity and break down prejudices about the young and elderly.
Strengthening intergenerational solidarity is achieved by working on changing relations between generations, searching for new forms of exchange of knowledge, skills and experiences, as well as sharing responsibilities. This project provides such an opportunity, reaching its target groups, young and old, in an innovative and comprehensive way. The project brings generations together using the creative potential of new media and film art. The implementation of project activities in four countries will gather valuable regional experiences on the use of this mechanism in improving intergenerational relation.
The short film, as well as the results of the project, will be presented to the professional and general public in May 2021 . The film and promo videos will be used as part of a comprehensive media campaign to promote intergenerational dialogue and promote the project and its results in Serbia and the Visegrad Group countries.
Conference held on the occasion of the presentation of results on the project “Improving intergenerational dialogue”
A conference was held in the Ceremonial Hall of the Serbian Red Cross to present the results of the project “Improving Intergenerational Dialogue”, which the Center for Support and Inclusion Help net conducted in cooperation with the Commissioner for Equality, NGO “90 decibels” from Hungary, European Group for territorial cooperation “TRITIA” from Poland, as well as local self- government “Valašské Meziříčí” from the Czech Republic, with the support of the International Visegrad Fund.
In addition to the presentation of a comprehensive report with the results of the project, a short film about the project “Intergenerational Dialogue”, produced in order to raise awareness of the importance of intergenerational solidarity, was premiered to the professional and general public.
Within the project, 10 debates were organized on the topic “Is there intergenerational solidarity?” In 10 cities in Serbia (Belgrade, Mladenovac, Pancevo, Lucani, Kraljevo, Cacak, Gornji Milanovac, Smederevo, Knic, Kragujevac). The participants in the debates were young people aged 15-30, representatives of the middle generation and people older than 65. The aim of these debates was to openly discuss the relationship between young and old, to exchange views on desirable or undesirable patterns of behavior, as well as proposals for improving intergenerational dialogue.
In order to break down prejudices and stereotypes about aging, raise awareness of the importance of intergenerational dialogue and connect different generations based on interests, 7 a theater play entitled “Excuse me, how old are you?” Performed by the Pan Theater in Belgrade was held in the same cities.
The project advocated for the promotion of human and civil rights, exerting a systemic influence on the competent institutions. The results of the projects summarized in 10 points are included in the general recommendations for combating discrimination and promoting equality within the Regular Annual Report for 2019, which the Commissioner for Protection of Equality submits to the National Assembly, as a basis for creating new and reforming existing public policies.

Help net, Belgrade-Serbia
Address: Vojvode Milenka 37, 11000 Beograd
Tel: +381 11 36 11 844
e-mail: info@medjugeneracijskasolidarn